Showcase 3 - 19th and 20th Century

By the beginning of the 19th century the collection contained more than 42 000 volumes. Many people visited Kalocsa to see the Baroque library room and the rarities of the collection. According to the guestbook that was kept from 1813 many famous Hungarian people visited the library including Gergely Czuczor, Flóris Rómer, Ágoston Trefort and Mihály Munkácsy with his wife.
During the primacy of Archbishop György Császka (1891-1904) the collection of the library reached a total of 60 000 volumes. The rooms could no longer store all the books and storage issue emerged. The archbishop decided to take a radical step: he had had a new detached library building designed. However, he wasn't able to carry his plan into execution because of his death in 1904.

Plan for the new library (never built)

Documents exhibited:
Visitors' book 1813-1829
Visitors' book 1836-1941

Signatures of Mihály Munkácsy and his wife in the visitors' book

János Török: Gróf Széchenyi István politikai iskolája (The Political Doctrines of Count István Széchenyi)
Pest: Landerer and Heckenast, 1863. With the author's dedication.
Joseph Annegarn: Világtörténet a katholikus ifjak’ számára (World History for the Catholic Youth)
Pest: Konrad Adolf Hartleben, 1846. From the collection of Archbishop József Kunszt.
Márton Varga: Á Gyönyörű Természet’ Tudománnya…(The Science of the Beautiful Nature)
Nagyvárad: János Tichy, 1808 With the ex-libris of Archbishop József Lonovics.
István Széchenyi: Hitel (Credit)
Pest: János Mihály Trattner and Istvány Károlyi, 1830. With handwritten dedication from the author, from the collection of Archbishop Lonovics.
János Zalka: Mária-czeli liliomok (Lillies of Mária-Czel)
Pest: Beimel - Kozma, 1858. With a letter written by the author, from the collection of Archbishop Lonovics.
Bálint Kiss: Magyar régiségek (Hungarian Antiquities)
Pest: Lajos Fűskúti Landerer, 1839 With the author's dedication, from the collection of Archbishop Lonovics.
Missale Romanum
Regensburg: F. Pustet, 1861. From the collection of Archbishop Lonovics.

Auguste Kanitz: Le Cardinal Haynald… Botaniste
Gand: A. Siffer, 1890.

Cardinal and Archbishop Lajos Haynald (1867-1891) was one of the greatest scientists and book collectors of his age. Archbishop Haynald was a botanist of European reputation, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and other scientific societies. He left several hundreds of dedicated books to the library.
Lajos Haynald: A szentírási mézgák és gyanták termőnövényei (The Gum and Resin Plants of the Bible)
Kolozsvár: Miklós K. Papp, 1879. From the collection of Archbishop Haynald.
József B. Eötvös: Gondolatok (Thoughts)
Pest: Mór Ráth, 1864. With handwritten dedication by the author. From the collection of Archbishop Haynald.

Dedication by József Eötvös to Haynald (16 January 1864)

Venice: Petrus Lichtenstein, 1524. Gift of the Franciscans of Csíksomlyó to Archbishop Lajos Haynald.
Memory book for the name day of Archbishop György Császka
Kalocsa: Stephaneum, 1893.

The Breviary of Archbishop Haynald and the memory album of Archbishop Császka
The stamp of the Cathedral Library, second half of the 19th century