The baroque Library of Adam Patatchich

The reading room among the 12 most beautiful old libraries of the world



One of the most beautiful old Baroque library rooms of Hungary, the historical library of Archbishop Ádám Patachich, can only be visited as part of a guided tour.

Díszterem Díszterem

Opening times:
From 1st April to 31st October, Tuesday-Sunday 9 AM - 5 PM (closed on Mondays). The ticket office closes at 4 PM.

Individual visitors (up to 10 people) can visit the library from 1st April to 31st October during the opening hours. During the April-October period, we provide guided tours daily at 12 PM and 2 PM which start at the reception desk of the Archbishop's Palace.

Admission fee: 800 HUF (reduced: 500 HUF for students and seniors). The price includes the guided tour.

Combined tickets are available for visiting The Library, The Treasury and the Paprika Museum.

Combined tickets for the three attraction:

  • Adult ticket: 1,500 HUF
  • Student and senior ticket: 800 HUF

More information on visiting the Cathedral: We are informing the visitors that the Kalocsa Cathedral is currently closed for the public due to ongoing renovation works. Re-opening of the Cathedral will be announced in the national media.

Guided tours are provided by our librarians, therefore in order to maintain the operation of our library and to avoid scheduling issues, please inform us in advance about the date and time of your planned visit.